07 Mar
Quartz Cuvettes with PTFE Caps Must be Used for Photometric Measurements!

The vessels and the containers used at the laboratories are different than the ones that we use at home. These containers must have high resistance against chemicals so that they can carry and store them safely. When you are working at a laboratory, you always need to access different chemicals safely. And this is where the use of the right vessels to store and use them can bring handy outcome for you. These vessels or containers also help to deliver accurate results when you use them for the testing process. If you are looking for the 10 mm quartz cuvettes with stoppers, then you are at the right place. These cuvettes come in different size range. And the stoppers on them make these cuvettes the safest applications at the laboratories. As these cuvettes are made from quartz like material, they are not going to create any kind of interference under the UV range. 

Quartz Cuvettes with PTFE Caps

  • Quartz cuvettes are the best choice for photometric measurements

Cuvettes can also be made from plastic and glass. But these cuvettes are going to create interference under the UV range, as they can absorb the UV light easily. Due to this reason, for the photometric measurements, quartz cuvettes are always preferred. Quartz cuvettes with PTFE caps are now available online. These quartz cuvettes use to have four different sides or windows that are polished and cleaned properly.

  • No contamination occurs when you use clean cuvettes

The cleaning of the cuvette is also important when you want to reuse it. To clean the quartz cuvettes, standard cleaning process or method can be followed. Once cleaned properly, you can reuse these cuvettes while avoiding potential contamination easily.

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