For the laboratory use there is a wide range of glass equipments are used. At these venues, researches and lab experts are often needed to have a keen look at the process. So, they prefer to use those laboratory equipments which are transparent. Due to this reason, the use of the quartz crucibles has also become a very common aspect at these venues. These vessels are not often given a great importance to but they are used very frequently to continue the laboratory operations. These are the fused version crucibles and they are used in great numbers as they carry solid resistance against heat and chemicals. These items also have a good thermal conductivity and tensile strength. All these properties are what making these items the first choice for researches that use to work at different labs.
Quartz crucibles
The crucibles and cuvettes made from glass and plastic have a higher chance to absorb the UV rays. Due to this reason, when these vessels are taken as the lab equipments, they can create interference. And when there is interference, you will not be able to take accurate reading for the laboratory process that you are conducting. So, the use of the ultraviolet quartz cells makes a sense for sure!
These crucibles are not going to create any kind of interference, as they don’t absorb the UV light. They are reusable and perfect equipments to be used when you need to take the measurements for the longer wavelengths.