27 Mar

We use different nano particles these days to ensure that our applications and processes run smoothly, deliver accurate result and we can conduct these processes safely. When we are talking about these nano particles, polystyrene microspheres are the ones that might draw your attention instantly. These nano particles are something that we use on a daily basis in our day to day life but we hardly know this. The cup covers, CDs and toys that we use these days are made while using these nano particles. In order to produce Styrofoam, these nano particles are also used in great numbers. 

polystyrene nanoparticles

Polystyrene Nanoparticles

  • Used to make a wide range of products

 There is a wide range of products that we use on a day to day basis are made while using these polystyrene nanoparticles. As per the vitro and vivo studies, it was found that these nano particles can even penetrate through the organisms while using different routes such as digestive tracts and respiratory system. For a wide range of applications these nano particles are used. And some of them are very common to us such as drug delivery system, immunoassays, markers and bioimaging. 

  • No cross contamination will occur

 When we are talking about the nanoparticles how we can miss the magnetic silica nanoparticles and its importance in our world. Silica is the most commonly found component or material on this earth. It is also present in our universe in great numbers. Magnetic silica nano particles are used for several automated low and high throughout processes that helps to save money and time. While using these nano particles, centrifugation steps are avoided easily as well as the risk for cross contamination is also avoided.

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