28 Mar

Modern day’s laboratories are the places where advanced tests and researches are performed almost every day. Professionals who use to conduct these tests strive hard to do them under a very precise, safe and convenient manner. And to do so, they have to follow the right methods and proper vessels that can help them to store and access the chemicals safely and easily. If you look for the past, then you can find that vessels made from glass were frequently used for these purposes. With time, things have changed a lot and now the quartz cuvettes have successfully managed to replace these glass vessels. 

  • Works best under the UV range

 Tests performed while using these products have always delivered accurate outcome. And this has helped the researchers a lot and in many different ways. If you are looking for the quartz cuvettes with PTFE caps, then you have come to the right place. Cuvettes can be made from plastic and other materials. But the ones that are made from quartz are always preferred, as they deliver accurate and precise result even when they are used under visible and UV range. 

quartz cuvettes with PTFE caps

Quartz Cuvettes With PTFE Caps

  • These cuvettes can handle chemicals with higher range

 When manufacturing tolerance remains very small, the measurement you take can remain more repeatable and better. And this can only happen when you use the 10 mm quartz cuvettes with stoppers. These cuvettes come in different sizes and shapes. These quartz cuvettes are best known for their thermal properties due to which they have higher melting point with comparison to the glass. It’s the chemical structure of quartz that is also very strong than the glass due to which quartz cuvettes can handle chemicals with higher range.

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