In the fields like bioseparations and diagnostics, the need for polystyrene microspheres cannot be avoided. The smooth and flexible platform that these micro particles can bring for the processes involved in this field is what making them the best choice. These micro particles can also be coated with the help of the recognition molecules like the nucleic acid, antibodies, peptides and antigens. Some time they also come with a coating of hydrophobic dyes. There are certain other compounds that can also be applied as the coating on these nanoparticles. For the set up of instruments and for the calibration of different equipments, sometime the polymer spheres are used extensively. These nano particles can be availed in a wide range of shapes and sizes. These polystyrene microparticles hold an excellent uniformity as far as the size is concerned.
Polystyrene Microspheres
When there is a need for protein adsorption, the use of the polystyrene microspheres seems to be must. For a wide range of diagnostics assays and tests, these micro particles are used for last so many years. There is also a wide range of methods followed to make these nano particles. And now the top supplier of nanoparticles has come up with the best quality of these items and in affordable price.
If you are looking for the best quality polystyrene microparticles, then you have come to the right place. These nanoparticles also come in different types such as non functional ones, functional ones, dyed ones and fluorescent micro particles.